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Garage Door Spring Repair

Watch this short video and you will learn what to expect when you hire a local garage door repair company to fix your garage door spring. We also make a couple of promises to you in the video; so you'll know what to expect from us too!


When you're done watching this video you'll know how to determine whether the company you hired to replace your garage door spring installed the right size spring on your door. You'll also learn the consequences to your garage door opener if the wrong size spring is used. If you are having a problem with your garage door spring, the 2:30 minutes you spend watching this video is time well spent.

Youngstown Area

(330) 235-1603

(330) 235-1603
Warren Area

(330) 235-1608

(330) 235-1608
Ashtabula Area

(440) 230-6620

(440) 230-6620
Erie Area

(814) 667-4609

(814) 667-4609
Meadville/ Franklin Area

(814) 208-9486

(814) 208-9486
New Castle Area

(724) 209-4251

(724) 209-4251
Precision Garage Door Service of Youngstown
Office: (330) 235-1538
6001 Southern Blvd.
Suite #103

Youngstown, OH 44512