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Professional Garage Door Opener Installation

Although this video starts like a commercial, it shows what you need to know when you hire a garage door company to install a new garage door opener. Do-it- yourselfers will learn how to add the professional touch to their own garage door opener installation.


Does the height at which the Safety Eyes and Wall Control unit are set matter? Why? What about the wires? Is there a way to hide the wires to make the installation a little neater? Watching a professional install a garage door opener the right way can really help you learn what you should expect.

Youngstown Area

(330) 235-1603

(330) 235-1603
Warren Area

(330) 235-1608

(330) 235-1608
Ashtabula Area

(440) 230-6620

(440) 230-6620
Erie Area

(814) 667-4609

(814) 667-4609
Meadville/ Franklin Area

(814) 208-9486

(814) 208-9486
New Castle Area

(724) 209-4251

(724) 209-4251
Precision Garage Door Service of Youngstown
Office: (330) 235-1538
6001 Southern Blvd.
Suite #103

Youngstown, OH 44512